Sunday, August 20, 2006

Zelda, Kenny and Zits

Zelda is driving me crazy! I know that Jack Russells need alot of attention but this one has gone off the deep end. Ross plays with her constantly (She gets more attention than Lily and I combined!) and I take her for a long walk or a run 6 days a week. She has a doggy door and a yard to play in, but all this just simply isn't enough for her. Today I took her running with me and she ran 2 miles, and then was bugging me to play catch with her 5 minutes after we got home!! Right now she is in my lap because she was crying for attention. Doesn't she understand that I am TIRED!
Ross got a new camera from his mum, so that one with Lily looking like Kenny from South Park is Ross's doing. I was at work so I am not sure if he was having trouble dressing her, or if he just thought she looked funny. Either way, I thought it was cute.
Lily has acne! I had acne really bad during my pregnancy and was so happy when it cleared up, until I realized that I gave it to my child! Everyone (including her doctor) says that it is normal, but I don't like it. I want her to have beautiful baby skin like the babies in magazines!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Don't worry Deo had zits too. It doesnt take away any cute ness to other people, it is just us moms that are staring at them. Yeah I found that the dog and the baby was a lot to handle too. My dog id staying with my Dad for now and I miss her so much but I have to admit it takes a load off.
That picture is hilarious!