Saturday, August 12, 2006

What the books don't tell you

I must have read a dozen books on pregnancy and childbirth, and none of them talked about what I like to call "the aftermath". I guess people are just supposed to know what a wreck pregnancy leaves your body in. Maybe because I don't have a mom, but no one warned me about all of this. I must have missed that memo.
I am just shocked at the condition of my body. Sure, I expected that I would be fat and I expected that it would take me awhile to get back in shape, but I didn't expect this!
1. Every ab muscle has disappeared completely. If I lay on my back and poke my belly, I can feel that I do not have a single abdominal muscle left. I have never had a washboard stomach, but I have always been able to feel at least some muscle under the fat. Not anymore.
2. Hormones effect hair growth. I swear my legs are hairy again 4 hours after shaving them.
3. If you have no ab muscles, you cannot suck in your gut.
4. a C-section scar swells up. Not only does my fat gut stick out of my clothes, but so does my c-section scar. I am serious! You can see the swollen lump through my clothes! it is the weirdest looking thing! It is disgusting. My doctor tells me that it will go away eventually, but it could take months....Great!
5. Fat clothes don't even fit! I feel mighty stupid wearing maternity clothes while you are pushing a stroller!
6. Hormones effect eyesight. I went into the hospital with perfectly fine sight and came out so blind that I can't read street signs anymore.

Not everything is bad though...
I have come out of pregnancy with some good changes too.
1. I have realized that I really don't need to be wasted to be social.
2. My nails grow longer and stronger than they ever have. For most people this happens DURING pregnancy, but I guess I am a late bloomer.
3. My acne has cleared up.

I guess that once you have a baby so much attention is focused on her that everyone forgets to tell you about these things. I am writing them here so that maybe we can have some pregnancy aftermath awareness!!


Kelli said...

Girl I am still shocked by my aftermath. I have lost most of the wieght but I don't know if the skin on my stomach will ever be tight or somewhat tight again. And my boobs...oh my god. I look like I have the boobs of a 60 year old woman. They used to be great, perky and all...and now going without a bra is never NEVER an option. And people say, oh but you have a beautiful baby. Yes that is great and I love him but it is so hard getting used to my new body. I will definately need at least a boob job after i am done having kids. Oh yeah and the stretch marks!
Dont feel bad about the maternity clothes, I wore them for a couple months too.
Are these girls for real that say they were back in their jeans in 2 weeks? I just can't believe that.

Cat said...

I can't comment on the belly size; however, after my surgery the scar took a while to go away and be careful of it turning into a keloid scar where it's all hard and raised. My stomach muscles took a while to come back and I've only started feeling them since I've been doing pushups and situps. Though I didn't have a baby pushing the opposite direction, just total lack of any use of my belly 'cause of the tumor pushing on everything. Have fun sweating with the oldies!