Sunday, August 27, 2006

Spoke too soon

I knew I shouldn't have bragged about how good Lily had been about sleeping throughout the night. The past couple of days it doesn't seem like she sleeps at all unless we are out somewhere. She only seems to sleep when there is no way that we can sleep at that same time. Like at the grocery store! We are both exhausted.
Well, a little of the exhaustion is self induced because I had to go to a trade show yesterday. I guess I didn't HAVE to go, but it was important for me to go in order to grow my business. Things have been going really well with my website. If things keep up at this pace I will be making big bucks by Christmas! I opened the store the same week as Lily was born, so it is 6 weeks old. Each week I have sold more than the last, and this week I have sold over $700 worth of merchandise and there is still one day left of my work week. My goal is $2000.00 a week. I am getting to the point where I am very low on inventory, so this is why the trade show was so important. I picked up only two new products but they are ones that I am very excited about. I am going to add Bahay Bags to the site and college themed purses and totes to sell at ebay (auctionbums2006). Of course FSU, and also UF, UM, Ohio State, Penn State, and Texas. That should keep me busy until it is time to roll-out the Halloween costumes!


Kelli said...

Hang in there. Just think, we won't actually be getting sleep for another couple years. oh yeah and they will always wake up at the crack of dawn. So I guess we won't sleep for like 10 years. Or 18 if you add the worrying about them and so on.
You are so lucky to have both you and Ross to take care of Lily, if it gets really bad you guys can take turns.
There is no turn taking here, even in the depths of exhaustion I find someway to push on. Sometimes I sleep on the floor next his highchair in the morning, until he throws all his toys of and screams. Ill put them back and go back to sleep. But soon he will be able to escape and there will be no more napping.
She looks so tiny next to Zelda, Deo was such a big baby - I really notice when I see other babys that are normal size.

Jazz said...
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Jazz said...

He he - I think I've been speaking too soon as well - Ana kept us up all night last night! She wasn't crying - just awake and did not want to be put down. Man, I miss sleep!