Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Catching up

I really don't know how working moms do it. I mean, I AM a working mom, but usually, aside from this past month, I only work outside of the home 2 days a week. For the last three weeks I have worked full time and had Lily in daycare. I come home exhaused and feeling guilty for leaving Lily in the same room all day with all those other snot nosed babies. My work isn't physically difficult, but when you get up at 6AM play with Lily and get her ready for school, get to work by 10 and once five o'clock rolls around I have to take a deep breath because I know as soon as I walk in the door I will have an extra 18 pounds on me for the next few hours. I guess it is because Lily is really attached to me, but she doesn't let me put her down in the evenings. It wears me out. Then once she is in bed I have to do all the work for my website. I try to think about all those super-moms who work full time and have more than one kid and I don't know how they do it. I feel like a wimp or a whiner complaining about being tired. But I AM!
Now that the super bowl is over I go back to only working twice a week but decided to leave Lily in daycare another week so I can get caught up and have some sanity time. Lucky I did that because I got food poisioning! Sunday was Ross's birthday and I made him a beef stew and being the horrible wife that I am, poisioned us both. Sunday night I did not sleep because of all my trips to the bathroom and Monday morning I had to just leave Lily in her swing with her bottle to feed herself while I was in the bathroom. I woke poor Ross up after he had only been in bed an hour and begged him to take Lily to school because I just couldn't do it. Finally, now that it is Tuesday afternoon I am feeling better. The sickness hit Ross last night while he was at work (poor thing!) and he is still not feeling good AND he has to work again tonight. As horrible as food poisioning is, I was really lucky to have the relief of daycare and then Lily was kind enough to go to sleep last night at 7:15 so I was right behind her at 7:45!
She has gotten so easy to take care of because she is getting so strong. She still gets frustrated that she can't crawl yet but she can drag herself to get what she wants. She is also starting to show her independance. She lets you know when she doesn't like something and will slap away food that she doesn't like. And the really rewarding part... the REAL laugh! She loves Zelda and the two of them play together now. I got one time on video but I haven'ty uploaded it yet. This video is of her great laugh.


Jazz said...

Ohhhh - I know how food poisoning is! I hope you are doing ok now. On the upside it might get you out of dinner making for a while - he he. If it makes you feel any better we had it for 10 days! Ughh! Luckily my family were around to take care of Ana, we never would have survived on our own.

Oh and the working mum thing - I feel ya there too. I have 2 full time jobs and IT NEVER ENDS. I look like I've aged about 10 years with all the dark circles under my eyes.

Jazz said...

I mean I FEEL like I have 2 jobs - I don't actually work 2 full time jobs :)

Shelley said...

yes you DO! You work full time as Ana's mom and full time at the University. And the mom one takes alot of overtime!