Monday, February 19, 2007

on the move

I can officially say that Lily can crawl!

I don't know exactly what constitutes the first crawl, but what she did today was indesputable. She has been able to pull herself where she needs to go and she has been able to get up on all fours but now she can get on all fours and actually go! Well, only a little bit, but enough to get what she wants usually. Her motor skills are improving exponentially. She can steady herself when she gets wobbly and can go from sitting to laying and then back up to a sit again all on her own! She also tonight tried to pull herself up onto the fouton. She didn't get very far with that one, but was able to catch herself from falling over, so I am still impressed. We have been trying to kid proof the house and we are failing miserably at it. Ross bought all these child locks for the cabinets and they turned out to either not do a thing or made it impossible even for an adult to open the thing. I don't know if it was the locks themselves or our not-so-handy handywork, I'm guessing the later. I also have been vacuuming twice as often as I did before but still need to vacuum even more often. We cut a hole in the door to the studio for Zelda because we figured the only way to child-proof that room is to keep the door closed. The only problem with that is the room isn't airconditioned. Right now it is fine, but I don't see myself getting much work done in the summer. Hopefully maybe I can find someone to install a window unit for me. That is probably an unrealistic dream considering our home improvement history. But I am still hopeful!

I have downloaded a few videos. I got a video the other day of Lily going from laying down to sitting (I was trying to catch her attempt at crawling) but now I can't find it on my hard drive. Hopefully it is on the other computer! Anyway, this video is of Lily eating meat. I took it because it is so funny to me. She hates meat and I think that she looks like folks do when they are taking a shot of something really strong at the bar. She even shakes it off!

This next video is of last weeks attempt at crawling. It is so cute because she is working so hard that she is worn out.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

the video eating meat is hilarious! I was laughing so hard I cried. It looked like she was going to puke it any second. her eyes were even watery and red. She really hates it!