Thursday, February 08, 2007

Joined a Gym

Tuesday I finally joined a gym. I went yesterday and met with the the trainer. They make you do a fitness test because it is run by the hospital and I guess they do that to prevent getting sued. Well, according to them I am in good cardio-vascular health but higher than normal on the weight scale. Well, I wasn't supprised about the weight thing, but I was shocked to find out that I am in good health otherwise. I certainly don't feel that way. The dude told me that I should only do cardio for right now but I am going to jump right into the weights! I can't wait to be sore again. Also, the baby care part is so nice. It is so clean and there are mostly all older kids so the lady that worked there said she was excited to have a baby there. That makes me happy because I know that means that she is going to be extra good to her.
Now I just have to start eating right again and I'll be back on track.

1 comment:

Jazz said...

Good for you! I'm not sure what your trainer's reason is for just doing cardio right now, maybe he wants you to ease back in slowly which is understandable, but I can tell you that weights combined with cardio is far better for you than either on its go for it :)