Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I don't really know what a banchee is, but Lily sure screams like one. A few days ago I posted a movie of Lily squeeling. Well, in the days since that move it has turned into a full scream. and now it is ALL THE TIME! It was really cute when it was a little squeel here and there, but now it is just pain annoying. I know I am not supposed to get annoyed with my baby, but I am, I can't help it. She squeels when she is happy, excited, sad, hungry, bored, tired, awake and mad. The only time she isn't squeeling is when she is pooping, sleeping or on a stroller ride. Maybe this is her way of making sure that I get my exercise. She must know I have been a slacker lately and will never fit into my old pants without some encouragement.


Jazz said...

Isn't that funny? It is hard to know what Ana wants these days cos she squeels all the time. I feel like she is upset so I go to pick her up but she is fine - just squeeling away :) She's also always chewing her hands, which used to be my clue she was hungry but now she just does it all day long.

becky said...

You know, I was really lucky on this one, Rylee was a fairly quiet newborn...now though!!! She talks and babbles all the time...it does drive you nuts, doesn't mean your not a great Mom!!

Shelley said...

going to die? scary. And of course I can't spell it, I TOLD you I didn't know what it was! are you ever going to tell me who you are?