Friday, November 10, 2006

I miss Lily when I am at work

There are at least a couple of times a day I get stressed or frazzled and can't wait for Lily to go to sleep or for Ross to take her for a few minutes, so it is strange that after only a couple of hours without her, I miss her. I only work 2 days a week from 10 to 5 (not counting my many many hours spent on my webstores...but that is from home so it doesn't count) so it is hard to imagine that in that short amount of time I would miss her so much. There are lots of times I even log onto this blog to look at her pictures. or sometimes after she has been asleep for an hour or two I go into her room and want so badly to pick her up and cuddle her. It is like nothing I have ever felt before and it gets stronger every day. I can't imagine how hard it is going to be when she starts to grow up and doesn't want me around all the time.


Jazz said...

I'm just the same!! I get the urge to pick her up and cuddle her when she's sleeping all the time - James is always telling me off cos I wake her up! When I go to bed I get up again about 10 times checking she's ok in her crib. I look at her pics when I'm at work too but I've given it up now cos I get too sad :( It's all I can manage not to walk out of work and run and get her!

Jazz said...

Have Lily's eyes changed color yet? I'm dying to know if Ana's eyes will be blue or brown!

Anonymous said...

You should be glad that you don't have a job that you have to be at 60 hrs a week. Could you imagine how crazy you would be? I love reading this blog. I love checking out the pix of your little angel. I have a friend who recently found out that she was pregnant and I showed her you and Jazz's blogs and made her make her own so I can check in all 3 of you everyday.