Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Birthday week

I am beginning to hate holidays. I am starting to hate them because I love them. I know that doesn't make sense, but hear me out. I love holidays, I love the holiday preparations and the excitement & anticipation. However, now I hate the holidays because there isn't any of that anymore. Halloween sucked. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and this is my birthday week. I have no plans for either. I wanted to cook thanksgiving dinner here, but we really couldn't afford it so we passed on that plan. I keep asking everyone I talk to what their plans are hoping that there is something going on that we could participate in, but nope. So, because Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday anyway, I figured I would forget it and concentrate on planning something fun for my birthday. Well, that doesn't seem to be working out either. The one person who actually did call me back has to work. :( I guess all my fun days with adults are over.
enough depressing thoughts. Here is a video of Lily in her Johnny jump up. Notice how she is learning her name and looks when we call her (sometimes). She likes this toy because not only can she jump, but she can spin around following Zelda.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I tried that one that you got and ended up returning it because he flopped around in it strangely...i got the one with the tray and bumper around it instead. I felt that one was more supportive. Do you think she does well in it? because I have the other here if you want to try it, you can have it if you like it.
also happy birthday...I know we were never really friends or anything but I would be happy to go out with you this weekend if you wanted. This is actually my only time having a babysitter because ilich is off...even if it is just for a drink it would be nice to get out of the house (with adults!)