Thursday, November 02, 2006


I can't tell you how disapointed I was with Halloween this year! IT SUCKED! I knew things would be different now that I am a mom and I don't work in a bar, but I didn't think it would be this sad. I got dressed in a costume just like always. I got Lily dressed up in her costume too. Ross tried to go get us a pumpkin to carve, but because they started selling them in August they were all rotten. So, we didn't get to make a jack-o-lantern....first disapointment. Note to one early next year! Lily and I got our big bowl of candy and waited by the door anxious to see cute little kids trick-or-treating. Disapointment #2. Not one person knocked on our door! We had our lights on and our Halloween flag, no jack-o-lantern, but you could still tell we were Halloween friendly. If you are reading this and you live close by......please come over and eat some of this candy. It makes me sad to see that giant bowl still there by the door, and then when I get sad about it I start eating them!
The only good thing was how cute Ross and Lily looked in their costumes. Lily also got a kick out of being a pea in a pod. Every time you said "pea in a pod" she giggled. She is definately my child....she loved being in a costume.


Jazz said...

Awww - that costume is awesome!! It puts Ana's chicken outfit to shame! I'm sorry you got no trick or treaters :( You need to come up here next year!

Shelley said...

That was her 2nd costume. She was a jack-o-lantern the 1st half of the day. So all day she had a stem on her head.

Kelli said...

so cute! you know I was wondering where all the trick or treaters were too...I grew up in a small town so you would see people walking all over on halloween. Not here, I didn't see one out.