Sunday, November 12, 2006

New Toys

This is the first toy that I bought for Lily. She has TONS of toys, but this is the first one that WE bought for her. It was an attempt to keep her busy so that I can free up an arm and actually get things done during the day. WRONG. I think it will be good for her later because right now she isn't tall enough for her feet to touch the bottom. Once she can reach the bottom it spins around and bounces. I wanted the "exer-saucer" but it is $65.00, so being the bargain huntress that I am, I got this one at a thrift store for $9.99. I scrubbed it down with bleach and then again with Lysol and now it is good as new! She likes it for about 10 minutes then starts screaming, I guess 10 minutes is better than nothing.
She has figured out that certain toys make noises when she shakes them so it is pretty entertaining to watch her flail around. The problem being that so many of the toys are hard plastic and she hits herself in the head with them. This doll is VINTAGE, it is a doll I had when I was a tot and she likes it best.


Kelli said...

That is like the thing that I said I was going to give you...yeah it took him a while to actually get into it too. When we went to my dads someone let us borrow a excer saucer and he loved it. I buy most of his toys at thrift stores too and scrub them down with alcohol. You save a lot of money that way...some his toys are like $20 a piece and bought them for like a dollar. They don't know the difference yet!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how much you can save by taking a little time and hunting for things! I buy a lot of Rylee's clothes at second hand stores too...they look like new!