Saturday, November 25, 2006

Turned over today

Lily finally turned over all by herself today. She has been oh-so-close for a week now. She can only turn from laying on her back to her stomach, not the other way around yet. She can even get her arm out from under her once she is on her stomach too!

I really thought she would never do it because she hates tummy time so much. She gets so frustrated on her stomach that I have to turn her back onto her back. I think she gets angry either because she is too weak to pick herself up, or because she wants to crawl and can't.
The picture is Lily modeling her new belt that I made for her. I have this OCD thing that if pants have belt loops than they must have a belt. Well, Lily's pants had loops, so she needed a belt. Good thing her mom is a seamstress!

1 comment:

becky said...

Yeah Lily!! Watch out she will start to roll into corners and all over the place. It's so cute to see them looking at a toy and then the next time you look up, they've rolled to it and are playing with it! What a huge accomplishment!!