Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Funny pics

In this picture, doesn't Lily look like Ross when he is wasted? And the one with the remote, she chose the remote over her toys. Every morning after she eats we go into the studio so I can either ship some orders or get some sewing done. This seems like the only time of the day that she will sit for a half our or so. Well, I was turning on the TV and Lily threw down her toy and squeeled for the remote. It is neat that she is starting to show interest in certain things but she gets frustrated alot because she can't really express what she wants. She has figured out that making a loud noise always gets someone to look at her. Her little way of demanding attention. I am sure it will get old soon, but I think it is sweet because she screaches, I look, and then she give the super-big dimply smile. Like she is flirting with me.
She has finally figured out the johnny jump up. At first she just hung there and would kick one leg a little, just enough to make her walk in circles. Then she started stamping her feet, and then I think on accident, she kicked both of her feet at the same time and it jumped. She squeeled in delight and then instantly started jumping. I got it on video, I just don't have the time to upload it right now. I need to get to work...got a bunch of sales to process:) :) :)


Kelli said...

yeah when I showed Ilich a picture of Lily he said she looks just like Ross.

Kelli said...

I heard a funny thing today, that the baby always looks like the father when they are born for a reason...that is it nature's way of reassuring the father that the baby is his, and then they look more like the mother as they get older.