Saturday, November 04, 2006

Lily is learning

Lily's personality has grown so much. She gets to be more fun to play with every day. At first the challenge of the day was just to keep her fed and warm. Now, we have to keep her entertained. The only reason I am even able to type this is because I type well and can do this while making faces at Lily. We are sitting outside (she loves it outside) and she is in her playpen next to me making faces. She has completely mastered the hand in the mouth so now she is moving on to her new challenge of getting her foot in her mouth. Last weekend she finally accomplished reaching and holding onto her foot, and all week she has been trying to get it in her mouth. She has come very close, but hasn't quite made it yet. This morning she got the fabric of her pajamas in there and soaked her pajamas in drool. She has gotten very good at assisted standing too and will stand for several minutes at a time. She also has just begun looking at herself in mirrors. Up until this week she would never do that. Our living room wall is mirrored and if we tried to get her to look in the mirror she only would look at my reflection and not her own. Another accomplishment is that she shakes her dolly now. Her favorite toy is a doll that rattles when you shake it. She reaches for it and usually if she can grip it she will just put it in her mouth (or smack her face with it in attempt at getting it in her mouth) but yesterday she figured out that if she flails her arms around after getting a grip on the doll than it makes noise. The funny part is that she doesn't always get a good enough grip on it so sometimes she just flings it across the room and continues to flail her arms. She only seems to have a really good grip when she is pulling my hair out from the root or grasping for Ross's chest hair.


Jazz said...

Ha ha - the sleeve of all Ana's clothes are always soaked in drool too. Fun!

Jazz said...

oh and she pulls her dummy out and flings it across the room too. It actually flew from the back seat into the front when we were driving the other day

Shelley said...

Lily won't use a dummy. If she does use one we have to hold it in her mouth because she spits it out.

Kelli said...

I love that picture!

becky said...

This picture should be in a magazine! How precious she is Shelley!! I love this one!